Privacy Policy

Information provided passively
When you surf the internet you, perhaps without being aware of it, enable the administrators of internet pages to collect certain information about you. Examples include the IP number of your PC, the operating system, the internet browser you use and the last internet page you visited. With this information, the quality and accessibility of internet pages can be improved. To the extent that we use such data, it will be processed anonymously.

Cookie Policy
We use so-called ‘cookies’. Cookies consist of a standard internet technology that makes it possible to store and access certain information on the user’s system. Cookies cannot be used to identify individuals, a cookie can only identify a machine. Every internet user can set his computer in such a way that cookies are not accepted. If your computer does not accept cookies, you may experience problems during the ordering process. If this is the case, please contact us so that we can still enter your order. If you do not want to receive cookies, you can see in the help file of your internet browser how you can block all cookies or how you can ensure that you receive a warning before a cookie is stored.

Personal data
When you place an order with us, you will be asked to provide us with the necessary information. In case this is necessary for the correct handling of your order, we will only share the necessary information with third parties. We only use your personal data for the implementation of the concluded agreement that you conclude with us through your order. At the customer’s request, we will remove this customer’s data from the database, provided that the customer has fulfilled his/her (payment) obligations. If desired, the customer can notify us by telephone +31 6 40950358, by e-mail or in writing of changes to his/her data or request personal data.

We keep online visitor statistics in order to see which pages of the website are visited and to what extent. These statistics are used to make the website more accessible.

Backup and security techniques
We use backup and security techniques to prevent and/or recover the loss, mutilation or any other damage to information.